Sox Fans Miss Manny, and Pay Up to Welcome Him Back For the Weekend
June 18, 2010
As a Red Sox, Manny Ramirez logged over 1,000 games 'just being Manny'. Along the way, he also helped deliver two World Series rings and many memorable, as well as a few forgettable, moments. Now, three and a half years later, Manny's back under the Monster, parking his dreads beneath Dodgers Blue, and keeping us waiting, once again, for a signature moment.
At TicketIQ, we can’t wait to see what Being Manny means this weekend. Sox fans apparently feel the same way, with tickets for the series going for 40% more than the season average.

Of the three games, Sunday looks like the best deal. However, showers are in the forecast, which may be pushing down prices a bit.
Given that the Dodgers are only back East once more all year, though, everyone will want to get the game played. That could spell a long start-and-stop afternoon that stretches into night; the kind of game that leaves a bit too much time for beer drinking, not getting ready for Monday morning, and waiting to see what Manny does next. Sounds like a wait Sox fans might enjoy.